This is a common question for many buyers and sellers, and rightly so. It can be confusing when you’re offered what seems to be the same service by two different professionals.
Generally, conveyancers have knowledge in one area, being Conveyancing. Solicitors on the other hand have knowledge about property law but also broader knowledge of the law in general.
A number of Conveyancing Solicitors in Melbourne specialise in Conveyancing Services only.
Deciding whether to go with a Conveyancer or Solicitor can be a difficult choice. Here are some factors to consider:
a. Costs
People often think that Conveyancers are cheaper than Solicitors, but this is not often the case. Most Conveyancing Solicitors would offer their Conveyancing Services as very competitive fees very similar to the fees charged by Conveyancers.
b. Service
You should discuss the level of service to ensure that you are receiving a great service for your Conveyancing Fee.
c. Previous Experience
If you already have a good relationship with your Solicitor or a Conveyancer, you may prefer to use that person.